
Unfortunately, no matter how much we wish to not think about it, death is inevitable for everyone. And so is what happens once that time comes. Statistics have found that more people than ever are choosing to pre-plan their funerals and while this might sound odd, it's better to accept the reality of your passing and make it easier for your loved ones to bear. Speak to your family and friends about what your final wishes are and what you would like for yourself when you pass.
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The past year has shown us just how important social interaction is and why we need to support each other. The pandemic forced us all to become more inventive with the ways we communicated, seeing as we couldn't see each other in person. While we are now back to being able to interact and hug one another, it doesn't mean that the thoughtful things we did have to stop. If you are looking to comfort someone who has lost a loved one and perhaps can't get to them as soon as you might like, it can be a good idea to create them a grief care package. Here we outline just what this entails.
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Cremation has been on the rise over the past few years due to many reasons such as cost and sustainability. It is a beautiful way to say goodbye to your loved one and also has led to people becoming more creative with their loved one's ashes. There are now a whole host of ways that you can remember your loved one with cremation keepsakes. Here we round up some of the most popular cremation keepsakes that you can choose to keep your loved one close by.
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